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Drug Possession And An Intent To Distribute


Every state has unique drug possession laws. You will find that they greatly vary from one state to another. You, however, find that the federal laws fully prohibit most of the drug crimes. When you are in possession of a drug with distribution intention, then it will be considered a felony. Serious consequences will also accompany it. We have the Florida laws. When it comes to Florida State, you will find that the possession charges will be based on the drug type that you are in possession. The quantity that you are having also dictates the possession charges.


There will also be a look whether you have any intent to distribute indications. The Florida possession laws dictate that; if you are caught in possession of 20 grams or even less of this for marijuana, then it will be considered a felony. If you are caught with this, then the penalty goes to a year being in prison together with a 1000 dollars fines. If you are in possession of more than 20 grams of this marijuana, it will also be a great felony, and you will get 5 years in prison plus a 5000 dollars in fines. When in possession of paraphernalia drug it will be referred as the first-degree felony, and you will get a one year prison plus a 1000 dollars in fines. Read about the law on the intent to sell drugs nebraska.


When it comes to determining an intent for making distribution then this will be relatively subjective. It will be based on the quantity that has been caught, any paraphernalia accompaniment will also be considered and the security agents, that is the police will be able to know the relevant charge for such distribution.  When it come to the drug raids or even searches then you will find that the citizens rights are infringed. You can face a lifetime jail or even a fine especially when you are faced with drug possession as well as the intent to distribute cases.  Read some legal facts on this at


If you are faced with such then it very important that you contact a professional lawyer from who is experienced to be able to discuss the defenses that can be possible. The attorney can also help you in reducing the fines imposed or even dropped by discussing with the court. You can find such attorneys online whereby if such a case faces you then contacting one of them can save your life. You might not be spared if you have such case and having a lifetime jail can be quite stressing.

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